Don't Treat The Symptoms
Don't Treat The Symptoms | Getting At The Root Cause
Did you know that the pharmaceutical industry makes millions of dollars a year off of masking the symptoms of yeast infections while leaving the root cause untreated?
It is true. & even through the burning & itching may subside the other symptoms of a yeast infection like muscle aches, tiredness, poor memory, & even depression persist.
Getting At The Root Cause
A yeast infection is an invasion of the body which can cause some major systemic problems. It is not basically an invasion of the vaginal canal, it usually spreads & infects our entire bodies. That is why they feel so dreadful.
In order to treat the root cause they have to kill the spores of the infection not the roots. There's lots of medications & drugs which can kill the roots but none that can kill the spores.
Even our bodies immune technique, which is powerful, cannot kill the spores. However, there's a few natural remedies which can kill them. &, no it is not olive leaf extract, this is toxic to our livers by the way.
A quantity of the natural remedies I have seen on the web recommend using boric acid. Do not ever try this. It is dangerous & can even lead to death in some rare cases. You require a safe & effective treatment.
Yeast Infection Relief | Looking For A Natural Treatment That Works
Do not fall for gimmicks when treating your infection. Things like vegetarianism & lots of herbal remedies are nothing over snake oil. Don't waste your time & money.
Natural Treatments
When looking for a permanent & safe cure they must take in to consideration a treatment which is rapid, safe, & proven. Don't be fooled by remedies which do not kill the spores, this is the ultimate key to lasting relief.
* Discover the only yeast infection cure which treats the root cause for Permanent Relief.
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