It's unfortunate that so many women invoke to Monistat and Canesten to treat their yeast infections, without knowing the large list of side effects that women actually experience on these harmful drugs. What's worsened is that these drugs create super strains of yeast in the same way anti-biotic resistant bacteria are created through taking anti-biotics. So if you use these drugs the infection module return, worsened than before and tougher to get rid of! On top of all this in an online poll over 50% of women indicated that Monistat caused severe symptoms for them!
There are so many reasons not to use these drugs, it's ridiculous that so many people are hesitant to use natural cures that are 100% innocuous but module use the drugs because they are FDA approved and dangerous!
This is why today I am going to get you off in the right direction in how to get rid of a yeast infection naturally. Here are the top 3 ways to have yeast infection relief within an hour.
1. Stop Wearing Tight Clothes - This pertains to the lower half of your body; underwear, tight pantyhose, tight jeans, etc., all of which module suffocate your genital area and allow for yeast to rapidly overgrow. Oxygen is the course enemy of anaerobic chronicle forms much as yeast, expose yourself as much as possible primeval on during a yeast infection and you can cut the infection downbound by well over half!
2. Stop Eating Sugar - This is the main food yeast likes to feed off of. If you can cut it out, you cut off the chronicle line to the yeast. This module starve them out, they module stop multiplying and you can go on and get back to your normal chronicle sooner!
3. Apply Aloe Vera Gel - This is a great way to get immediate relief from a yeast infection. Apply aloe vera gel of 99% purity or above to the vulva and the exclusive of the vagina to alter a quick cooling relief. This isn't the best way to kill the yeast but it does provide very rapid relief which is really what you want above all else. You can use blended variants that include tea tree or witch hazel for improved anti-fungal and cooling gist respectively.
Technorati Tag: home relief for yeast infection
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