Immediate Yeast Infection Relief

immediate yeast infection relief
Getting instant pain relief from your yeast infection is possible. Read on and discover one effective home remedies to get relief from the itching, burning and soreness you are experiencing right now.

For the purpose of this article I will concentrate on relief methods for yeast infection in women because the most common form of yeast manifestation is that of a vaginal infection also known as thrush or Candida. The reason women are more prone to thrush is because yeast thrives in dark and moist places and oftentimes it can be a recurring and painful condition for plenty of women. But there is a way to get rid of this painful Candida infection for nice, read on and discover how.

Get yeast infection pain relief with these natural remedies:

Yogurt - you probably have read online or heard through friends that yogurt is an "old" but effective home remedy for Candida infections, mainly because this natural product contains friendly bacteria which helps fight off yeast. Apply yogurt directly in to the vagina through a tampon or you can choose to apply it as you would a cream and you should notice your pain subside. Make sure you choose plain and unsweetened yogurt for this treatment.

Vinegar - yet another yeast infection pain reliever and a natural antiseptic - adding apple cider vinegar to a warm bath and washing the vagina for 20 minutes will help soothe the itchiness and relieve the pain and discomfort you are experiencing.

These natural treatments are safer and more effective than most drugs or antibiotics. When used properly your symptoms will clear up in a matter of days.

Get your own pain relief guide here for more step by step instructions on using these remedies and more to get rid of yeast infections permanently.

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